5 Ways to Grow Your Brand’s Social Media Following

(Image: Thinkstock)

(Image: Thinkstock)
Leverage Employee Email Signatures All employees using a company email address should have the company's social media information listed in their email signature. Since every email deployed is another opportunity for you to grow your following, you should be leveraging every message sent out on behalf of the organization. So take the time to craft the social media portion of the signature (embedded links and all) and request employees add it on to their message.more
(Image: Thinkstock)
Put Up On-Site Signage and CTAs If you have a brick and mortar business, you can't assume your customers instinctively know what to do social media-wise when they get to your location. Help them out by adding physical decals and signage when and wherever possible. Create clear calls to action to let them know what you want them to do when they enter your business. For example, add signs that read: "Check in on Foursquare," "Using Instagram? Tag your photo with #OurBusinessName so we can put it in our album," or "Tweet us @OurBusinessName when you’re on your way over." The more specific you can make your call to action, the better. If you’re ready to take it to the next level, add incentives. Try establishing several social media specials or rewards for the most engaged customers. It’s also important to remain engaged with your social media followers regularly. Staying true to your brand’s voice, respond to as many of your clients’ tweets and Facebook messages as possible in a timely fashion. Giving customers a little shine just adds to the engagement.more
Include Social Info on Brochures and Business Cards I tell my clients to start treating their social media addresses as they would their business address, phone number and web address. Everywhere you would include your direct contact information, start including your social media addresses as well. If you owned a restaurant, you wouldn't leave your reservation phone number off of your tri-fold brochure. And you wouldn't dare hand out a business card without an email address. If you're looking to increase engagement on your social media platforms—and gain a significant number of followers, begin to look at that contact information the same way.more
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