5 Ways to Bring Some Holiday Cheer to the Office – Black Enterprise
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5 Ways to Bring Some Holiday Cheer to the Office

Photo of a pile of gift-wrapped boxes
(Source: ChristmasToyDrive.com)
Photo of a pile of gift-wrapped boxes
(Source: ChristmasToyDrive.com)

Want to add a bit of cheer to your office around the holidays? You don’t need to craft an elaborate scheme to accomplish this. All you need are a few good ideas that can be easily executed to get the ball rolling.

Here are a few to choose from:

1. Holiday Potluck. Everyone loves the pomp and circumstance of a holiday feast with lots of variety. It’s a great activity that everyone can indulge in and after all, the more, the merrier. Pick a day with low activity, so that everyone can relax and enjoy the festivities. Create a list early on with the kinds of dishes you want represented and have people sign up for what they’d like to bring. Add a few colorful decorations, music, and of course, don’t forget to assign a clean-up committee.

2. Bake-Off. Got a few bakers chomping at the bit to share their wares? Take this opportunity to introduce a healthy, festive competition among colleagues who’d love to show off their culinary skills. It’s a fun and delicious activity that allows the whole office to get involved and can result in a few cool prizes for top winners.

3. Festive Decorating Contest. If creatives abound in your office, consider hosting a decorating contest that encourages colleagues to decorate their own individual office space. It will definitely get the office looking “holiday spiffy in a jiffy” and encourage colleagues to put their best decorative foot forward. Feel free to offer prizes here, too.

4. Food Drive. The holidays are a great time to consider others, especially since so many families are in need. Why not collect non-perishable items that can be dropped off at local shelters or food banks and can be distributed by entities equipped to distribute en masse? You can begin collection efforts early and drop off weekly or assign a single deadline and drop off all items at once, depending on the size of your office. Alternatively, think about adopting a few families and collecting a larger selection of items that will amount to full meals. Everyone can feel good about collective giving and contributing to the greater good.

5.  Targeted Toy Drive. Want to bring incredible joy to a child’s heart? The gifts that   you give children during holiday drives are often the only ones they will receive. There are several ways to approach this effort, often with the most effective way being to donate specific gifts to children that have been identified in advance. A tracking mechanism (such as a paper tree), can be used to identify each need and make sure that every child has been taken care of. If any gifts remain outstanding, colleagues can collaborate to capture the unmet need.

Not sure which one to choose? Don’t fret–there’s still time. Whatever you select, you’ll be well on your way to spreading joy and cheer in your office this holiday season.

Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq. is the founder and CEO of WordSmithRapport, an international consulting firm specializing in professional development. Follow her on Twitter: @WSRapport or visit her website, WordSmithRapport.com.
