5 Ways Millennial Women Can Promote Healthy Fertility – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

5 Ways Millennial Women Can Promote Healthy Fertility

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For millennials, the idea of marrying young and immediately starting a family is an age-old notion of Generation Xers and the Baby Boomers before them, but even if children aren’t part of your progressive three-year plan, you may still want to take the necessary steps, early on, to prepare your body for a  healthy future pregnancy.

Research shows, that more and more millennial women are in fact, opting to wed later, and remain childless longer.  A recent report by Urban Institute identified birth rates among African American millennial women are down, with a more than 15% overall decline in Gen Y women between years 2007 and 2012–as many choose to pursue an education and career before diving into parenthood.

With promising careers and ambitious goals hanging in the balance, it may never seem like the right time get pregnant, but with 8% of black women ages 25 to 44 having sought medical assistance to get pregnant, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the question of viable fertility is becoming more of a concern.

The Mayo Clinic suggests that women play it safe and if  concerned about possible fertility issues, they should pay close attention their lifestyle choices such as unhealthy eating habits, heightened stress and substance use. This can hinder chances of successful conception.

Check out five ways, recommended by the Mayo Clinic, on prepping for motherhood:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Prevent sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea which are a leading cause in infertility in both men and women.

  3. Keep nutrition in mind.

  4. Schedule and attend regular doctors visits with a healthcare physician that can detect and monitor and  any health issues that may impact or threaten fertility.

  5. Minimize emotional strain and practice healthy coping methods

Check out more insights on this via Mayo Clinic


