5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Smartphone

(Image: Thinkstock)

With mobile phones being a constant part of our everyday lives, long gone are the days when spring cleaning was limited to cleaning out your closet, office space or garage. Whether it’s backing up your photos to preserve memories and increase storage space or simply changing your password to keep your data secure, you should consider spring-cleaning your smartphone.

Check out the following steps for spring-cleaning your smartphone:

  1. Backup your photos, contacts, music and apps using a service such as App Backup & Restore for Androids
    or iCloud or iTunes to back up content on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Even if your device is lost or damaged, a cloud based services can help you recover your information.
  2. Uninstall apps not used for months and remove outdated music and old photos to free up storage space on your phone. Review your contacts and delete numbers you don’t need to keep in your phone on a regular basis.
  3. Update your passwords. Beyond using our devices for communicating with others, we’re using our smartphones to process bank transactions, shop and store personal data. Changing your password often helps decrease your chances of being hacked and clear your device of poor passwords. Remember, your new password should be a mix of a combination of words, numbers and symbols.
  4. Clear the cache on your mobile phone. Free up memory on your device by getting rid of cached files helps. Consider App Cache Cleaner on Android devices. For iPhones, go to “Settings” and select “clear cache.”
  5. Clean your screen. On a daily basis we’re using our cellphones in the house, bathrooms, gyms and restaurants, and along the way we may have picked up bacteria. Use a special cleaning liquid like iKlear that’s formulated to clean the screen. Also microfiber cloths help wipe your screen clean without scratching it.
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