5 Tips for Success in the Hair Industry

With a flood of hairstylists in the industry, it can be hard to stand out among the crowd. But Tippi Shorter, the woman behind the perfectly placed tresses of public figures like Jennifer Hudson, Rihanna and Alicia Keys, among others, found a way to carve out her own niche and build an impressive roster of clients. Now a 15-year veteran, Shorter gives BlackEnterprise.com her essential list of how to survive in the ever-evolving world of hair. Read on to find out her five secrets to success. —Aliya Ewing

With a flood of hairstylists in the industry, it can be hard to stand out among the crowd. But Tippi Shorter, the woman behind the perfectly placed tresses of public figures like Jennifer Hudson, Rihanna and Alicia Keys, among others, found a way to carve out her own niche and build an impressive roster of clients. Now a 15-year veteran, Shorter gives BlackEnterprise.com her essential list of how to survive in the ever-evolving world of hair. Read on to find out her five secrets to success. —Aliya Ewingmore
Discover What Your Specialty is & Make it Your Signature: “I didn’t initially realize it, but people started telling me that when they think of me, they think, ‘Big, sexy, healthy hair,’” says Shorter. “Some people focus on haircuts and are known for that, others are great at hair color, mine is, ‘Big, sexy, healthy hair.’ Find out what specifically you are good at and make it your signature—deliver it, and deliver it well.” more
Never Stop Educating Yourself: Talent is only good if it can evolve. Shorter warns against becoming complacent and advises anyone who wants to have longevity to always expand their horizons. “I still take classes and keep updated on what’s new and what the kids are doing—there is something to be learned daily,” she says. “My clients expect me to stay current and on trend and so I need to always know what’s hot right now.” more
(Image: ThinkStock)
Research, Research, Research: “Whether it's a business plan, a plan to build clients, even just notes jotted down, have a plan,” advises Shorter. “You can’t make anything happen without a plan.” She spent two full years looking for the perfect chemist to be the mad scientist for her hair elixirs, but the time spent paid off. HAIR by Tippi Shorter is quickly becoming a successful line because she took the time to research and perfect her product. more
Believe in Your Own Vision: Shorter’s final tip is simple: “You must be your biggest supporter,” she says. “If you don't believe you belong where you want to be, or deserve to be there, then no one else will.” more
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