5 Tech Moves to Watch This Week

(Image: Thinkstock)

It’s only Wednesday, but already it is a full and eventful week in tech. In this fast-paced industry, it’s out with the old (news about Facebook’s IPO) and in with the new—more news and speculation surrounding the Menlo Park, Calif.-based company. With talks of Facebook setting up shop to create a smartphone and Google Glass resurfacing with new developments, here’s a look at top tech moments so far this week.--Janel Martinezmore
Facebook Prepares to Release Smartphone With 901 million monthly active users and new business ventures under his belt, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg isn’t holding back, looking to expand his empire into smartphone production. The world’s largest social network is preparing to release a phone by next year, according to the New York Times. “The company has already hired more than half a dozen former Apple software and hardware engineers who worked on the iPhone, and one who worked on the iPad, the employees and those briefed on the plans said,” reported Times reporter Nick Bilton on Sunday. In 2010, TechCrunch reported that Facebook was working on a smartphone. Insiders say the project folded after the company realized the complexities that come with creating a phone. AllThingsD reported last year that the social networking site had partnered with HTC to create a phone, referred to as “Buffy,” which is still in the works.more
Apple CEO Tim Cook Hints at Potential Relationship with Facebook During an in-depth interview at the All Things Digital conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, Tim Cook’s comments reveal Apple and Facebook could have something in the works. “We have a great respect for them,” the chief executive said. I think we can do more with them. Just stay tuned on this one.”more
Google Glass Will Use Built-In Trackpad The mystery surrounding Google glasses is finally starting to dissipate. California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom wore the high-tech specs on his Current TV show. During the interview, you can hear Google co-founder Sergey Brin warning Newsom “don’t touch the pad on the side.” (Click here to watch the video.)more
Facebook Looking to Acquire Face.com The social networking juggernaut is rumored to be in talks with Israeli startup Face.com. However, according to TechCrunch, the purchase is close to being final. “We have a great respect for them,” the chief executive said. I think we can do more with them. Just stay tuned on this one.”more
BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.1 Beta Coming Soon PlayBook product manager Michael Clewley tweeted that users should be on the lookout for the (beta) version 2.1 of its operating system at the “end of May,” according to Engadget. Let's see if the wireless company can meet the tight deadline. more
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