5 Signs of a Foreclosure Rescue Scam

1. The company requests a fee before providing a service. To combat such scams an advanced fee ban under the Federal Trade Commission’s Mortgage Relief Services Rule has been put in place to prevent distressed homeowners from being taken advantage of. more
(Image: ThinkStock)
3. The company tells you not to contact your lender, lawyer, or credit or housing counselor. This indicates they most likely have something to hide—don't let it be your money.
5. The company guarantees it can stop the foreclosure process no matter what the circumstances. If they claim they can help anyone, regardless of the situation, you should be suspicious
If you believe you have been victimized by a foreclosure rescue company, report it immediately. Visit PreventLoanScams.org or call the Homeownership Preservation Foundation at 888-995-HOPE.more
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