5 Relatively Inexpensive Ways to Do PR in Small Business – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

5 Relatively Inexpensive Ways to Do PR in Small Business

Jigsaw puzzle representation of public relations

Co-Brand With Your Customers or Clients
As a successful small business, you’re likely doing something right by your customers or your clients. Share their success and leverage your own. If your company’s widget or tool increased your customer’s productivity, make it known. Pull together a case study that speaks to the client’s success and the unique attributes to your business that made the client successful. Once completed, both companies can use the case study to solicit for new customers and to reach out to media as well. These joint efforts make for excellent press releases and strong end-of-the-funnel sales content as well.

Take the Pulse of Your Industry
Short surveys allow you to understand the concerns of your customers and clients with little investment, but taps into a press-worthy opportunity, too. People love numbers and statistics, and the media is no different. Publishing your survey results, as well as some insights, not only pegs your company as a trusted thought leader but as a source of information, especially in industries with little or no published statistical results.

This article was written by Rich Kahn and originally appeared on SmallBusinessPR.com in October 2015.

Rich Kahn is the CEO of eZanga.com and has been recognized as a leader in the online advertising industry since 1993. Rich started eZanga.com, a digital marketing firm specializing in pay per click and pay per call advertising, in 2003 with his wife, Beth. In Rich’s spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and four children. He also enjoys coaching and playing soccer, martial arts, watching movies and, when his busy schedule allows, vacationing and traveling to new places. Follow him on Twitter at @richkahn.
