5 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Grow Your Business in 2012 – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

5 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Grow Your Business in 2012

(Image: Thinkstock)

3. Do I have the skills I need to succeed? It takes a lot to make a business work.  If you have not taken an honest look at where your business keeps getting stuck and figuring out what skills you need to move beyond that recurrence now is the time to do that.  Once you brainstorm a list of skills select one or two of them that you will intentionally focus on improving this year.

4.  Am I 100% committed? Successful entrepreneurship does not result from half-hearted efforts.  You’re either completely committed or your business is on the way out.  Some people believe they are committed because they are still doing business every day.  Time in service doesn’t mean you are committed.  Being committed means you are willing to show up and make the changes that will consistently improve the business and make it profitable, or move you on to a business that will.  Have you had an executive meeting with yourself regarding commitment? Check in with self to make sure you are completely committed.

5. Do you execute? The most talented people with the best ideas and best plans don’t win unless they execute.  Do you accomplish the daily, weekly and monthly tasks that are critical to your business success?  That’s a yes or no question.  If your answer is no, you have to be totally honest and determine within yourself why you do not execute and how to move to the point that you do.  In business, there is no trying.  Your either are getting it done, or you’re not.

Answer these five questions to find out what you need to work through to hit your targets in 2012.

Felicia Joy is a nationally recognized entrepreneur who created $50 million in value for the various organizations and companies she served in corporate America before launching her business enterprise. She is the author of Hybrid Entrepreneurship: How the Middle Class Can Beat the Slow Economy, Earn Extra Income and Reclaim the American Dream and a regular contributor on CNN. Follow her @feliciajoy.
