5 Mobile Apps to Help Keep Children Safe

(Image: Thinkstock)

You don’t have to be a mom, dad or caretaker to take an active role in preventing childhood injuries. With millions of children injured in and around the home each year, everyone should take part in spreading the word about child safety.

Simply sharing tips and tools amongst your friends could literally save a life and help reduce preventable childhood accidents. And considering most of us use our mobile phone for just about everything, adding a child safety app to your home screen is a great to join the make safe happen movement. To get you started here are few apps to consider:

  1. Make Safe Happen mobile app – (iTunes and Android) Owned by Nationwide Children’s Hospital, this app is perfect for parents, caretakers or even babysitters who may be watching a child for a short period of time in their own home. The app provides room-to-room safety checklists and links to recommended products. You can also create to-do lists, set reminders and track your progress.
  2. Find My Kids (iTunes) — Using this app you can track your children
    and share locations with family and friends at any time. You can even track your children’s whereabouts in real time to see where they have been. Additionally, setting up Geofences, such as the pool area in your neighbor’s yard, notifies you when those fences have been crossed. The app also features censors which can you notify you immediately when your child moves from location to location.
  3. In Case of Emergency (ICE) (iTunes and Android) – Allows parents to store important health data — prescriptions, allergies, emergency contacts, doctors names and numbers and medical conditions such as diabetes in one easy location. You can also make calls directly from the app.
  4. Walk Smart (iTunes and Android)- A child friendly app, with a focus on teaching kids (ages 5 to 9) the rules of the roads. Walk Smart provides interactive lesson plans for kids to learn how to stay safe wherever they go. According to the website, additional features includes:
    • Where to walk, from sidewalks to parking lots
    • How to navigate traffic signals and cross streets
    • When to watch for cars in all sorts of scenarios
  5. Heads Up App (iTunes and Android) – Helps you learn how to spot and what to do if you think your child or teen has a concussion or other serious brain injury. This app will also teach you about helmet safety and features information on selecting the right helmet for your child’s or teen’s activity, including information on what to look for and what to avoid.

Would you download any of these apps to help keep children safe? Leave me a comment below.

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