5 Millennials Offer Non-Clich̩ Advice For Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions РBlack Enterprise

5 Millennials Offer Non-Cliché Advice For Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions

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‘New year, new you’ is the common phrase often thrown around at the top of each new year. With time to reflect on the challenges faced last year and a renewed energy for the journey ahead, the beginning of a year marks the time period for when many people make New Year resolutions for their career and personal life.

According to Psychology Today, research shows that individuals start out the first two weeks of the year on track and eager to achieve their goals. However, by February, they start to backslide on their objectives and by December they are often back to where they started the previous year.

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With the goal to make 2016 your best year yet, BlackEnterprise.com caught up with five millennials to get non-cliché advice on setting new goals and sticking to them throughout the year.
