5 Ideal Reasons to Attend Entrepreneurs Summit – Black Enterprise

5 Ideal Reasons to Attend Entrepreneurs Summit

In just over a month new and seasoned entrepreneurs will gather in Miami, Florida, for 4 days of guidance, enlightenment, and opportunities as they ready to take their businesses to the next level at the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit.

These 4 days will be spent under the advisement of experts and professionals who are looking to help you help yourself on your quest for entrepreneurial success. This all sounds like reason enough for you to be in attendance, but just in case you’re on the fence…

  1. Miami. We could leave that reason simply stated because you get it. It’s Miami—-there is sun, the water is blue, the beaches are gorgeous, the drinks are large, the energy is spicy, the palm trees dance, the entire city pulsates, and you fit right into that whole scene. Be there.
  2. There will be venture capitalist and angel investors right there at the summit looking to help you (yes, you!), gain funding to grow your business.
  3. The networking opportunities are endless! Sometimes all it takes to get your business to the next level is proper collaboration. Your next ally could be seated right next to you–look over and introduce yourself. Also, the Exchange–Make Your Connection meet-ups will allow you to connect with and learn from some of the country’s most forward-thinking entrepreneurs as they share strategies and solutions. You can’t miss this.
  4. The marijuana industry. You’re hearing a lot about this. Can’t seem to get away from it, can you? It’s because you need to take heed. The industry is booming and you need to boom with it. The CEO of Viridian Capital, a financial and strategic advisory firm dedicated to the cannabis market, Scott Greiper, will join the President of Cannabis Global Initiative, Wanda James, for a panel discussing marijuana as the new frontier for black business. You want to hear this. Trust.
  5. With one-on-one business coaching you can get the exclusive attention that your business so deserves. Here is the perfect place for you to blueprint your business game plan.

Now, these are just 5 reasons, we left off the other 10 for you to see for yourself. Register now for the 2016 BE Entrepreneurs Summit, May 4-7, Loews Hotel Miami, Miami, Florida.

Be sure to follow Black Enterprise on social media @BlackEnterprise for Entrepreneur Summit news, highlights, and updates. Use hashtag #BESummit to stay in the loop. Please be on the lookout at BlackEnterprise.com as speakers, activities, and sessions are announced.

