5 Holiday Shopping Tips for Shopaholics

(Image: Thinkstock)
Always shop with a list Planning your spending is one of the best ways to keep yourself in check and prevent overspending. Create a master list of gifts you need to purchase and make a promise to yourself that you won’t deviate from it. Carry these lists with you so you know what you should and shouldn’t be buying when you hit the store. (Note: your list should bear some semblance to your actual budget—as in, how much you can afford to spend in cash; not how much is available on your credit cards). Stick to this list as closely as possible, particularly when you’re tempted to splurge on impulse items or buy unplanned “gifts” for yourself. more
(Image: ThinkStock)
Guard against online excesses Shopaholics can find online shopping to be the ultimate escape but this very activity could end up fueling a spending addiction. If you’re not keeping tabs on spending and just clicking away when you find that “great” deal, you could end up doling out much more money than you planned. While you can find some unbeatable deals online, make sure you read the refund or exchange policy and are aware of all shipping costs and taxes that will be added to the bill. Ask yourself if you would buy that same item from a store for that final price. If the answer is “no,” it’s time to move along. more
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