4 Savvy Tips For YouTube Marketing – Black Enterprise

4 Savvy Tips For YouTube Marketing

(Image: Thinkstock)

In 2005, a little company called YouTube entered the market and changed the game. Founded by three PayPal employees, YouTube has given a global voice to entrepreneurs everywhere. According to YouTube.com, over a billion new users visit the site each month and over a million subscribe each week. In addition, 100 videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Simply put, YouTube is a hot bed for consumers and a great marketing stream for entrepreneurs. Even better, it’s an absolutely free way to get new leads, grow subscribers and advertise your business. Why wait? Here are four easy tips to help you market your way to YouTube success.

Kick Perfection
So many entrepreneurs forego YouTube because they are too concerned with trying to look and sound perfect. Honestly, I have engaged in this type of crazy…avoiding my YouTube debut because I was trying to lose weight, find the perfect outfit and buy the latest video technology. Meanwhile, my competitors were using YouTube to make money and grow their brand. Kick the notion to be perfect and get started now. YouTube is a free way to impact your market and generate sales. Don’t exclude yourself from this money making platform because you’re not “perfect.”

Captivate Your Audience
Did you hear me say they’re over a billion users on YouTube every month? My marketing mantra is “follow the consumer” and for most businesses, the consumers are on YouTube. But how will you stand out with over a 100 videos being uploaded every minute? Captivate your audience with enthusiasm and confidence. While you don’t need to be the next YouTube sensation, you do need to grab the viewer’s attention “sooner” or there will be no later. Try using a great story to reel the viewer in. Stories can bring your marketing to life. Most importantly, provide high-quality, “star studded” content. Yours should be uniquely informative, incredibly useful and easy to understand.

Include Calls to Action
You have to tell your consumers what you want them to do. The most effective technique includes creating calls to action. A call to action (CTA) prompts viewers to do something specific. For example, you could prompt viewers to share the video, follow you on twitter or visit your website. Make sure you have eye-catching graphics and a clear directive.  According to the 2013 YouTube Marketing Guide, a successful marketing campaign must include calls to action that are clear and concise.

Be Consistent & Share
Consistency is key. Occasional posting only leads to outdated content and more room for competitors to shine. Try posting the same time every week so your followers know exactly when they will hear from you. In addition, share your videos everywhere you can. Link it to your blog, include it in a newsletter, pitch it to relevant sites and share it across all social media platforms.

Countless entrepreneurs substantially grow their business with YouTube and so can you. Kick perfection, captivate your audience, include calls to action and be consistent. Get started now. Take out your phone, hit record and use YouTube today.

Teri Nichole Harrison is an attorney, success strategist and start-up consultant for out of the box entrepreneurs. She is the CEO & founder of Fearless & Fabulous Worldwide, a personal development and business consulting company in Nashville, Tennessee. Teri is also the founding attorney of the Tennessee Business Law Center and the author of Winning at Entrepreneurship: Innovative Strategies for Small Business Success.  For daily empowerment and business insight, follow Teri on twitter: @_TeriHarrison.


