The Business Behind Skin Bleaching: 5 Telling Facts – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

The Business Behind Skin Bleaching: 5 Telling Facts

Dencia's Whitelicious made global news as controversial upon its release and marketing by the African pop star. (Image: File)

1. Consumers know little to nothing about the side effects of skin bleaching. While trend is on an upward path, scientists agree that we really don’t know the long-term health effects. According to Elite Daily, the mercury level in skin-whitening creams hint at the dangerous nature of chemicals, and without regulation we remain in the dark with the negative effects. Dr. Pranav Pancholi, a dermatologist and Harvard graduate, has spoken about the danger and how little we know about the new craze. He told Vice, “The products used on the streets are not used by certified professionals. The trade in black market creams and injections is completely unregulated. There is no way of knowing just how dangerous they are.”
