5 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

One of the key priorities of entrepreneurial success is to continuously invest in your own education. I have never met a truly great entrepreneur who doesn't read books to stay on top of the latest trends impacting their business and the global marketplace as a whole. Today, they may do it via their favorite E-reader or iPad, but make no mistake about—the best entrepreneurs read. It's in this spirit that I strongly recommend five books that I believe are must-reads for the current business environment.

One of the key priorities of entrepreneurial success is to continuously invest in your own education. I have never met a truly great entrepreneur who doesn't read books to stay on top of the latest trends impacting their business and the global marketplace as a whole. Today, they may do it via their favorite E-reader or iPad, but make no mistake about—the best entrepreneurs read. It's in this spirit that I strongly recommend five books that I believe are must-reads for the current business environment.more
Black Business Secrets: 500 Tips, Strategies and Resources for the African American Entrepreneur by Dante Lee (Read my book review)more
The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors and Policy Makers Live By by Scott A. Shanemore
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip & Dan Heath (Read my book review)more
The Long Tail: Why The Future of Business is Selling Less of More by Chris Andersonmore
Become Your Own Boss In 12 Months: A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works by Melinda F. Emerson (Read my book review)more
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