40 Best Companies For Diversity – Page 12 – Black Enterprise

40 Best Companies For Diversity

ranks. All three executives-including Quincy Allen, VP, president of the Production Systems Group, and Emerson Fullwood, vice president and chief of staff and marketing for Xerox North America-made BE’s 75 Most Powerful African Americans in Corporate America list. Xerox scores diversity points with 24% of senior management positions held by minorities. ; 2006, 2005; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Supplier Diversity, Senior Management, Board of Directors

UPS; Atlanta; Package delivery; Allen Hill, Senior Vice President, Human Resources; Originally founded as a messenger company in 1907, UPS has grown into a global transportation provider committed to creating a workforce as diverse as its clients. UPS, which spent $41 million with black suppliers last year, continues to expand opportunities for African American companies such as ACT-1 Group (No. 3 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE 100 list with $800 million in sales). With more than 350,000 employees, UPS extends its commitment to diversity to its employee base. Among the company’s U.S. management team, women occupy 28% and minorities fill 33% of all executive management positions. ; 2006; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Senior Management, Employee Base

Yum! Brands Inc.; Louisville, KY; Food services; Terrian Barnes, Global Diversity Officer; Proof of a diverse workforce at Yum! Brands can be seen from KFC Chief Operating Officer Harvey Brownlee, an African American, down to the more than 70,000 other minority employees. Ethnic minorities make up 57.5% of the 122,000-plus employees at Yum! Brands, owner of convenience restaurants such as KFC and Pizza Hut. The 37-member senior management team is 13.5% ethnic minority and 10.8% black. Included among Yum! Brands’ 130 black-owned suppliers is Integrated Packaging Corp. (No. 30 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE 100 list). ; 2006, 2005; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Senior Management, Employee Base, Board of Directors

Wachovia Corp.; Charlotte, NC ; Financial services ; Rosie Saez, Corporate Diversity Director; Wachovia’s commitment to diversity is apparent in the large number of goods and services the company purchases from businesses owned and operated by minorities and women. It contracted with more than 300 black-owned su
ppliers last year, including Atlanta-based EARNEST Partners (No. 1 on the BE ASSET MANAGERS list with $25.9 billion in assets under management). Of its $4.3 billion procurement budget in 2006, Wachovia spent $45 million with black-owned suppliers.

In addition, the company helps minority- and women-owned businesses through programs such as its Technical Assistance Project, which has assessed minority-owned businesses and then assigned consultants to help strengthen their weaknesses. Wachovia also offers a series of economic growth summits at which experts speak about capacity building and the importance of minority-owned firms forming alliances.

Wachovia’s diversity recruiting partnerships with groups such as the National Black M.B.A. Association help ensure that the company recruits and retains a diverse workforce. Of more than 97,000 employees 38.9% are ethnic minorities, and 19.9% are black, including Executive Vice Presidents Reginald E. Davis and Martin Davis (no relation), two of BE’s 75 Most Powerful African Americans in Corporate America. ; 2006; Advertising Diversity Rating: 4; Strengths: Supplier Diversity, Employee Base

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