40 Best Companies For Diversity – Page 10 – Black Enterprise

40 Best Companies For Diversity

Weight” in this issue.) ; N/A; Advertising Diversity Rating: 5; Strengths: Senior Management

PepsiCo Inc; Purchase, NY; Convenience foods & beverages; Ron Parker, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, PepsiCo North America; In 2005, PepsiCo created a Diversity and Inclusion Governance Council. Its mission: Raise the bar on diversity by marketing to targeted communities, building alliances with minority retailers, creating products for a more diverse consumer base, and developing a diverse supplier base. In 2006, the $35.1 billion company spent $270 million with about 150 black suppliers. Out of 10 corporate officers, two are black and four are ethnic minorities. ; 2006, 2005; Advertising Diversity Rating: 5; Strengths: Senior Management

Ryder System Inc.; Miami; Transportation; Gerri Rocker, Group Director, Corporate Diversity and Work/Life Planning & CSS Human Resources; Part of the Ryder diversity mission statement is to “create a supportive environment which values individual differences.” The company has implemented a Balanced Scorecard program, which tracks its efforts to provide diversity training and maintain ethnicity-based employee network groups. The workforce is 29.8% ethnic minority, with African American employees comprising 17% of the total. Its commitment to diversity is evident in the hig
her echelons of management as well. Ethnic minorities represent 19% of senior managers and 18.3% of corporate officers. ; N/A ; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Supplier Diversity, Senior Management

PG&E CORP.; San Francisco; Utilities; Steve Leder, Director of Diversity; PG&E prides itself on recruitment, management participation, supplier diversity, and community relations; diversity is one of the core values of the $11.7 billion company. The workforce reflects the community it serves, with more than 7,000 minority employees. Last year, the company spent nearly $108 million with black suppliers, almost 5% of its total procurement spending. One of PG&E’s top black suppliers is World Wide Technology Inc. (No.1 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE 100 list with $2.1 billion in sales). ; 2006, 2005; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Supplier Diversity, Senior Management, Board of Directors

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. ; White Plains, NY; Lodging; Shelley Freeman, Director, Global Diversity and Inclusion; Back in 2003, Starwood launched diversity-oriented programs for its employees and vendors. Since then, Starwood, a global organization that operates in more than 95 countries, has continued to broaden every aspect of the company in terms of diversity. For example, the hotelier requires majority suppliers to subcontract with ethnic minority vendors. Starwood’s commitment doesn’t stop with employment and business contracts: It has dedicated more than 37% of its philanthropic dollars to community development. ; 2006, 2005; Advertising Diversity Rating: 1; Strengths: Supplier Diversity, Employee Base

Pitney Bowes Inc.; Stamford, CT; Computer, office equipment; Michael Holmes, Director of Strategic Talent Management and Diversity Leadership; Pitney Bowes Inc.’s employee base reflects its commitment to diversity, with blacks comprising 23% of its 26,743 employees. Of the company’s 142 senior managers, 16% are minorities, and 9% are African American. According to Michael Holmes, director of strategic talent management & diversity leadership, “Having a workforce that is reflective of the global talent marketplace is essential for any business which expects to continue to grow.” ; 2006, 2005;
