4 Ways Stacey Dash Can Bounce Back After Being Fired From Fox – Black Enterprise

4 Ways Stacey Dash Can Bounce Back After Being Fired From Fox

Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash recently became the latest target on Black Twitter, after it was announced Sunday that Fox News declined to renew their contract with the controversial political pundit.

Dash, who is best known for her starring role in Clueless, has become notorious in recent years for attacking President Barack Obama, Caitlyn Jenner, BET, Black History Month, and women’s rights. As a result, it was no surprise that the 50-year-old actress became the butt of ongoing tweets and jokes, as social media users rejoiced over the fact that she was out of a job.

Although it’s still unclear if Dash has any upcoming projects or gigs, we shouldn’t expect her to stop voicing her inflammatory opinions. In fact, it’s likely that she won’t remain unemployed for long.

Here’s a list of the jobs she’ll probably consider:


1. Starting Her Own Podcast or Becoming the Next Tomi Lahren


It would be easy for Dash to jump on the podcast wave by starting her own, in order to continue to appease her conservative fans and build-up her base. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she took a page out of Tomi Lahren’s book, and used her good looks and outspoken views to create an online talk show for a conservative network like TheBlaze.


2. Joining the Trump Administration


Donald Trump has nominated a number of people with zero experience in politics or government for his Cabinet, like neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, ExxonMobile CEO Rex Tillerson, and billionaire donor and fundraiser for the Republican party Betsy DeVos, to name a few. Even Rick Perry, who is Trump’s pick for energy secretary and actually has political experience as the former governor of Texas, admitted that he didn’t really understand what this role entailed when he first accepted the nomination five weeks ago, according to the New York Times. Sadly, this could be an indication that there’s hope for Dash yet to become an additional unqualified, ill-fit pick to fill a White House or federal position. Honestly, it wouldn’t be a far stretch.


3. Taking Another Stab at Acting


Before she was a controversial, right-winged, talking head, Dash scored her big break in Hollywood back in 1995, when she was cast in the cult classic film Clueless as Dionne. As the teenage sidekick BFF to the lead character Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone), Dash was a standout star in the ensemble cast, which included future luminaries of the big and small screen like Donald Faison, Paul Rudd, and Brittany Murphy. The movie was so successful, it eventually led to a spin-off comedy series, in which Dash reprised her role. It wouldn’t hurt if Dash stepped down from her soapbox to try her hand at acting once again.

4. Leveraging Her Beauty


Love her or hate her, you can’t deny that Stacey Dash is a stunning beauty, who is still as fresh-faced as the day she first informed her Clueless co-stars that she does “not wear polyester hair, okay?!”  So, if media or politics doesn’t work out for the mother of two, when all else fails, she can fall back on those good looks. Perhaps, she could consider using her pretty blue-green eyes to become an eyewear model for LensCrafters? Hey–it beats doing nothing.

