4 Reasons You Should Buy Twitter and Facebook’s Blue Check Mark – Black Enterprise

4 Reasons You Should Buy Twitter and Facebook’s Blue Check Mark


For many years, several social platforms have offered “the blue checkmark” to various influencers and celebrities. Politicians, entertainers, very famous people, and other notables have gotten the check mark.

 What’s special about this blue checkmark is that it’s a visual mark of distinction, to show you were verified. 

 But more importantly, it was an emotional mark to indicate to others, “I’m cooler than you”. Kind of like those partying behind the velvet rope, as it were. 

 Twitter and Facebook now have a system for people to pay and apply for the blue checkmark verification. Twitter’s service is called Twitter Blue and Facebook is rolling out a similar service, as reported by The Verge.

 The cost is around $15 a month. Should you invest in it? Yes. Here’s why I think you should invest in the verification:

 Brand Visibility

 While your product or service or brand might be just as good as the next person, it’s the person who has more visibility, and who will get more attention, in many cases. The blue checkmark on your profile will enable your profile to get that extra bit of attention. As people are scrolling through their news feeds, their eyes will take an extra glance at the profile with the checkmark.

 Minimal ROI

 For less than $15 a month, it’s a minimal investment for the extra brand boost on your profile. There are so many things you already spend money on. Your web hosting service, Facebook ads, your virtual assistant – I could go on. This is something that will give your brand an added boost. It’s worth the ROI.

 Access to special features

 Part of paying for the verification is also access to premium features. This will change and each platform will be different, but you can expect enhanced or value-added features to your profile when paying for the verification.

 Social platforms will pay attention to your profile

 When social platforms roll out something new, they pay attention to it. When it brings them money, they pay even closer attention to you. By you being a verified user, they’re going to be paying more attention to you. This might help maximize how you can leverage your profile on these services.

 Beyond social platforms

 Beyond the blue check mark and social platforms, my encouragement for business owners is to always evaluate and seek out ways to get visibility for your business. 

 Many times we focus so much on sales, and sales are important. But as I share in the Celebrity CEO™ personal branding blueprint, what’s more, important is attention and trust. Personal branding is all about how you can leverage your personal brand to grow your business.


The more attention you build, to the right audience, the more your business will grow. This attention will enable you to then build trust and educate those who are now in your marketing funnel. As you start to educate people more and more, selling something to them gets much easier.

