Weekend Wellness: Spend Your Lunch Break With People You Like – Black Enterprise

Weekend Wellness: Spend Your Lunch Break With People You Like

iStock_000048337362_MediumWith the recession, lay-offs and other pressures, many workers are using their lunch breaks to catch up on more work than nutrition.

According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, “nearly one-third (32%) report they take less than a half hour for lunch, while 5% take less than 15 minutes. One-in-ten never take a lunch break and 16% report they work right through their lunch hour. Nearly one-in-five (18%) typically don’t leave their desks during their lunch break and eat in their workspace 5 days a week.”

Many experts would agree that this type of behavior only leads to one thing: burnout.

Eating a peaceful lunch alone or with people you like can change the tone of a hectic day.  When there seems like there’s not enough time in the day, here are a few quick ways to take a breather — even while at the office — giving your brain a recharge and ultimately contributing to healthy productivity.

1. Stretch. Take a moment at your desk to roll your shoulders and raise your arms above your head in full extension. Stand, bend your knees to the floor and then extend back up into full stance.

2. Take a quick walk around the floor, parking lot or block. Inhale and exhale. Put thoughts of work to the side for at least 10 minutes.

3. Move from your desk to another interoffice location to eat your lunch. Maybe your office has a break or conference room. Utilize it to decompress and enjoy your lunch in peace without having to leave the office.

4. Play a fun mind-challenging game such as Sudoku or crossword puzzles. It can help exercise your creative and analytic juices and provide escape.
