4 Lesser-Known Tips for Improving Your Digital Marketing Efforts

(Image: iStock.com/vgajic)

To many small business owners, digital marketing isn’t so different from auto maintenance; you go in thinking you need something simple, but leave feeling like you’ve emptied your savings account, with no obvious effect on performance.

If you sometimes wonder if there are things your marketing agency isn’t telling you, you’re not alone. As the founder and CEO of FiveFifty, a digital marketing company, I’m ready to give you an educational look at what’s under the hood, so you can make sure your digital marketing efforts are running at peak performance.

You Don’t Always Need a Flashy New Website


The most important aspect of any website is its outcome. Modern aesthetics and design elements should always come second.

If your existing website is creating successful outcomes–that is, it’s easy to navigate, effectively

communicates what your business does, clearly tells customers why they should choose you, and it drives conversions–don’t let a web agency convince you to spend the money on a major website redesign.

The Most Expensive Advertising Channels Aren’t Always Best


Most businesses understand the importance of advertising, but they have limited budgets. The best advertising agencies will strive to get you the most value for your advertising dollar, rather than push you into the most expensive or trendy channels.

Retargeting, for example, is often an underutilized digital advertising tactic that can keep your brand top-of-mind and drive past site visitors back to your website. In most cases, it’s both inexpensive and highly successful at increasing sales. If you’d like to learn more about how retargeting for businesses, check out our blog post on it here.

Read more at www.businesscollective.com…

Ryan Wilson is the founder of FiveFifty a digital marketing trade desk focusing on programmatic media buying. FiveFifty brings it’s clients a decade of media buying experience and a commitment to marketing performance across nearly every website on the Internet.

BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.

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