6 Game-Changing Pieces of Career Advice That Many Women Overlook

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When it comes to advancing in your career, there are a few unwritten rules of success—especially for women. So if you consider yourself an ambitious go-getter, check out six pieces of career advice that many women overlook.


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Getting promoted isn’t just about working hard.


As you climb the ladder of success, your emotional intelligence (EQ) becomes more important than your ability to get the job done. Emotional intelligence is defined as your ability to be aware of and to manage emotions in yourself and others. It’s also about understanding your hot buttons, aligning your actions with a higher purpose, and choosing your thoughts, feelings, and actions wisely to maintain relationships.

No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in you.


Confidence and imposter syndrome are real, everyday struggles for many women.

But confidence doesn’t happen overnight. So each week, give yourself permission to build your confidence muscle. Prepare
to ask questions, speak up during meetings, and be aware of words and phrases which undermine your authority. For instance, “I kind of think, “probably,” “basically,” I just wanted to.”

Always be prepared to make the ask.


It’s no secret, the wage gap still exists. But one partial solution to the problem is more women need to make the ask—especially when it comes to negotiating your salary and benefits.

Lateral moves can be your best moves.


Getting a big promotion is a goal for many people. But don’t underestimate the power of a lateral move, which could increase your skill set, enhance your capabilities, and give you more visibility at work.

One mentor just isn’t enough. You need a career squad.


A team of individuals who have different roles and skill sets that allow them to guide, support, and advocate on your behalf.

Make investing in yourself a habit.


Schedule a 5-minute daily self-care routine such as meditation, create more than you consume by limiting your social media and TV watch time, build relationships with people outside of your comfort zone, and travel the world to expand your perspectives as a leader.

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