$3.2 Billion in Funding for Local Energy Efficiency Improvements – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

$3.2 Billion in Funding for Local Energy Efficiency Improvements

Following today’s announcement at the White House, Secretary Chu and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis are visiting the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Workers at the facility are being trained for the kinds of “green jobs” that the city and county are investing in — ranging from construction and facility upgrades of green buildings to installation of energy efficient street lights to building energy audits. Secretaries Chu and Solis will highlight the city and county efforts as a model for other communities and an example of how this funding can create local jobs and save energy.

More information on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program is available on http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/wip/block_grants.cfm.

(Source: White House)
