#30DayChallenge Week 2: Map Out Your Game Plan

(Image: iStock.com/Elenathewise)

During week one of the #30DayChallenge to secure your dream job, you found your focus and zeroed in on what exactly your dream job entails. Now that you’ve set your eye on the prize, it’s time to execute a plan to get you closer to that dream.

This week it’s all about tackling the who, what, when, where, and how of your job search.



Assess your network. If there is anyone you know that may be able to assist you in gaining traction on your course toward your dream job, now would be the time to put out your fillers. If you don’t happen to know anyone directly that may be able to help, see who knows someone, that may know someone, that may be able to offer insight, leads, or strategies to strengthen your game plan.



Find out everything you need, in order to be most marketable for your position. Remember that all of the job posts you sifted through last week when getting to know your dream job? Now, it’s time to create a checklist, to be sure that you can meet majorityif not allof the job requirements you come across for your position. If there are required skills that you have yet to acquire, this would be a good time to go to look into obtaining those skills. Online courses and self-teaching may now become your best friends.



Create a feasible timeline for yourself, so that you are adequately prepared to submit and prep accordingly. Keep in mind that if a job has been posted for a while, there are likely tons of qualified candidates that are submitting. No need to rush your process, but this is certainly no time to drag your feet either.



Target your prospects. Decide on the top five to 10 companies you’d like to work for, and do your due diligence. Utilize tools, such as LinkedIn, to find out who previously held your position in the company, and who you may be affiliated with that currently works for the company. Follow these desired companies on social networks, so that you may get a feel for the company’s culture. Read reviews from previous employees and begin to tailor your package to suit the companies style and needs.



One step at a time. Pursuing your dream job may initially seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Knock down your tasks and make your connections in single steps. Don’t feel like you have to be all set and ready to go at once. Your job is to continue to make active strides toward perfecting your package, so that you’re all set once it’s time to submit.

You’re well on your way. Be sure to check in next Monday, as we tackle Week 3, which is when you will begin to stake your claim.

Rooting for you on this end. Best of luck!

Be sure to check out the beginning and remained or the #30DayChallenge by checking out Week 1, Week 3, and Week 4.

Safon Floyd is the Digital Editor for Black Enterprise. Follow her @accordingtofon.

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