How to Key Up For Success In the New Year – Black Enterprise

How to Key Up For Success In the New Year

new year

It’s hard to believe, but in just a few short weeks, 2016 will officially be over.

As we approach this critical benchmark, it’s important to take inventory of the current year, to determine how to proceed into the next. With so many factors to consider and possibly even more at stake, are you ready to close out this chapter, and embrace a brand new one?

Well, no matter where you fare on the readiness scale, these strategies will help you key up for success in the new year.

1.  Assess Past Performance


It’s fairly difficult to move forward without taking a hard look at your most recent track record. Review your outcomes against the goals you set for yourself in 2016. How well did you do? What factors accounted for your successes, and for your failures? How can you repeat past successes and pivot to avoid making the same mistakes that caused you to fall short of your goals? Be honest. You only hurt yourself by sugarcoating the facts.

2. Challenge the Status Quo


Growth is an important aspect of success. The willingness to be uncomfortable to catalyze results is also the hallmark of a winning mindset. How can you challenge yourself to push past your comfort zone and achieve even greater successes? Examine where you were a year ago. What did you do differently this year to catapult your success? Determine where you would like to be a year from now. Then, chunk the steps to create a plan that can be easily executed right now–not next year.

3. Get an Accountability Partner


Rarely do we perfect anything without the benefit of a fresh perspective. Consider partnering with your best of breed advisors. Who among them would be a good fit? Who could also benefit from an accountability partner? No matter who you select, mutual accountability and consistency is key. Set the tone early. Be honest and prepare to hold each other’s feet to the fire. Create a plan for success and work out the kinks. Much like challenging the status quo, you should also begin this component before the end of this year.

Has the reality of the new year settled in? If so, you’re not alone. But, there’s no need to become anxious.  You have a plan of attack. Welcome the new year with open arms by implementing the above strategies that will help you key up for success. After all, there’s only one way to approach a new year–and that’s with earnest enthusiasm.

Cheers to your success!

Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq. is the Founder and CEO of WordSmithRapport, an international consulting firm specializing in professional development. Follow her on Twitter: @wsrapport or visit her Website,
