3 Steps to Having a Fun, Fresh and Amazing Career – Black Enterprise

3 Steps to Having a Fun, Fresh and Amazing Career

Nikki Woods, radio industry vet (Image: File)

A recent Forbes article offered advice to supervisors on how they can increase their employees’ job satisfaction.  However, I have always maintained that although supervisors have the ability to influence job satisfaction, employees are more responsible for attaining personal career fulfillment.

This valuable lesson was taught to me early in my career when a past supervisor informed me that career development and advancement begins with you. If you passively sit back and do nothing to advance your career, then you will eventually lack true career achievement and fulfillment.

Nikki Woods (@NikkiWoods), senior producer for the nationally-syndicated “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” also believes that you have to make a conscious effort to keep your career exciting. As a result of the career-enhancing services that she offers professionals, Woods is recognized as a personal branding coach and global visibility expert. With such recognition, she has been featured in several national publications for her invaluable expertise.

Whether on air as a radio personality, working behind the scenes producing radio shows and programs, or consulting with clients, Woods has been able to inspire many working professionals to cultivate meaningful careers.

Below, the Howard University graduate with more than a decade of experience shares her top tips on how you can also keep your career fun, fresh, and amazing.


Have fun by finding reasons to laugh and become more appreciative of your job.

Woods is able to laugh a lot during her unpredictable days while working in the studio.  “It’s very important for people to find a way to laugh during their time at work,” she says. She also encourages professionals to determine what they really like about their jobs and what they don’t like. “You should try to bring more likes and laughs to your job,” she adds. “Even if you have to perform a duty that’s outside the scope of your job description, you should explore different opportunities that can strengthen your job satisfaction while still being in alignment with your company’s mission.”


Keep things fresh by regularly redefining your goals and keeping a clean social media presence.

After working in the same industry or position for many years, it’s rather easy for one to fall in the rut of career monotony. “If you get to a place where you feel as if you are stuck you must be willing to redefine yourself,” Woods says. You must re-evaluate your goals and aspirations regularly in an effort to establish new pursuits that will provide you with rewarding experiences. Woods also warns you against self-sabotaging your career through negative or unprofessional social media interactions. A good rule of thumb is if you don’t want your boss or coworkers to see what you’re posting online, don’t post it.


Make your career amazing by limiting stress and serving the world in a big way.

Some professionals tend to become distracted by small workplace stresses that inhibit them from seeing the big picture. Such distractions can cause you to exert negative mental energy that strains your personal fulfillment. Instead of stressing, Woods encourages professionals to show up and serve the world. When you serve the world with your career gifts, there will be no limit on the level of career fulfillment you can attain.

Antoine Moss, Ph.D., (@2PositiveTweets) is a nationally recognized resource on internships, early career achievement, leadership and motivation. CEO and founder of CEO Style Consulting L.L.C., Moss empowers professionals and organizations to reach their full potential, and serves as speaker, workshop instructor and consultant. The author of Learn to Intern CEO Style, Moss has been a featured expert on outlets including Fox 8 TV News and George Fraser’s 2011 Power Networking Conference.

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