3 Smart Ways to Profit with Periscope

Where there’s an Internet connection, trust there’s a Periscope livestream going up… not necessarily on a Tuesday, but I digress. Earlier this year Periscope revealed that over 200 million broadcast had been created since their launch March 2015. Since that time, Periscope has seen a variety of diverse video content emerge. Brands are showing the ins and outs of their company culture with behind-the-scenes videos, and employees are sharing a day in their ‘work life.’ And here at Black Enterprise, we’re doing all that and more, including interviewing prominent people of color. We even got former Presidential candidate Ben Carson on Periscope.

But brands aren’t the only ones hopping onto the platform. In fact, everyday people are sharing their views, showcasing their talent or taking you on a journey through their local grocery story.

I know what you’re asking: where are the profits? Well, I am glad you asked! Entrepreneurs and small business owners alike can leverage Periscope to increase brand awareness, connect with your audience, and leverage your expertise to generate sales. What’s so interesting about Periscope is that nowhere on the platform can you click on a link or hashtag to learn more about a topic or visit a website. Despite this, many small business owners and solopreneurs are profiting greatly by leveraging the platform.

Below are some tips on how you can profit!

1. Teach a Series. Are you an expert in a particular field? If so, teach a daily or weekly series on that topic. People love to learn things. If you’re a makeup artist, hop on Periscope and show how people can wear the latest summer makeup colors. During your streams include a strong call to action (CTA) such as, ‘Learn more by visiting my website,’ or ‘Visit my blog and purchase my makeup starter kit!’ You get the idea.

2. Upload it on YouTube. There is immense power in the replay! Since Periscope streams are only available for 24 hours, extend its life and stack some coins by saving your scopes to your camera roll and uploading them to YouTube and enable the monetization feature. Cross promote these videos on your Twitter and Facebook pages to expand their reach and increase your profits!

3. Sell Your Product or Service. No brainer, right? But you’d be surprised by how many speakers, coaches, and authors never mention their product or

service! Make sure you’re not one of them. Briefly, explain your product or service through 5-10 periscopes. Gradually build your audience by scoping consistently and always adding value. At the end of each scope be sure to mention your product or service and let your audience know where they can purchase, download or book you!

And there you have it! Three cool ways to engage your audience, build your brand, and profit using Periscope. If you try one of these tips be sure to let me know! Follow me on Periscope or Tweet me @SavageGazelle. 


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