3 Media Trends That Are Changing the Way We Consume Video Content – Black Enterprise

3 Media Trends That Are Changing the Way We Consume Video Content

video content
(Image: iStock.com/victorn)

As the CEO of a corporate video production company, it’s essential for me to keep up with the trends that are constantly evolving within our industry. While innovations and equipment upgrades are always around the corner, keeping up with the rapid growth of technology has actually been the easy part.

What I’ve found more interesting is keeping up with how people consume video content. Recent trends have led to an explosion in video marketing, mobile advertising, and social media. This increased consumption of video content has become part of the corporate world, and it’s been a journey adapting our company strategy to adapt to this growing demand for our type of product.

Here are three of the biggest trends I’ve seen recently that are shifting the way we watch content, and, in turn, shaping the video production industry.

Streaming Television Services

One trend that has indirectly affected the industry is how we view entertainment. Online streaming services such as Netflix, Apple TV, Roku, and Hulu have changed the way we watch television. By charging a monthly fee, these services are able to offer commercial-free content to their subscribers. Also, becoming a household staple are DVRs, which give viewers the power to fast-forward through commercials. More than ever, viewers are watching TV whenever and however they want.

The trend towards commercial-free TV viewing has forced advertisers and marketers (aka my clients) to look for other ways to reach viewers they are not reaching from television ads. Here’s where our industry is affected: Clients are coming to us with the need for video content that can be viewed online and reach the people that are not watching traditional television anymore. Businesses are finding the value in producing online videos for marketing purposes, which in turn has shaped our industry in a great way.

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Stanley Meytin is the founder and Creative Director at True Film Production, a New York City-based video production company that creates videos for businesses and brands all over the world. Known for his creative visual storytelling, brand building and digital marketing expertise, Meytin has helped many businesses establish their company image and transform into iconic brands.

BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.
