3 Leadership Lessons You Can Learn From 9/11 – Black Enterprise

3 Leadership Lessons You Can Learn From 9/11

9/11, MEMORIAL, New York, honor, VICTIMS, HEROES
9/11 Memorial Beams with Statue of Liberty and Lower Manhattan

9/11 forever changed our world.

As America marks the 20th anniversary, we can take away a positive affirmation from that day of infamy: Our demonstration of resilience, heroism and humanity in the face of unspeakable tragedy. We have a remarkable ability to bounce back.

The aftermath of that tragic event also offers valuable lessons in leadership. In reviewing our archives related to coverage a decade ago, I found fascinating stories of undaunted executives and entrepreneurs from Wall Street to Main Street–those affected directly and indirectly–who kept their enterprises humming not only to meet payroll but to provide assistance, service and comfort to victims, employees and community members.

The following examples give us clues on how to lead in times of crisis as well as tenets that reinforce how we should operate on a daily basis.

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