3 Ways to Creative Innovative Branding and Reach a Larger Audience

(Image: iStock/filipefrazao)

In case you haven’t noticed, when it comes to gaining buy-in for a product, service, or initiative, it’s no longer safe to hide behind a logo. People want a human connection. Even mega fast food restaurants like Wendy’s, a nearly 50-year-old hamburger company, is using social media to breathe life into their brand. For instance, behind the company’s Twitter account is a cool, sassy and witty social media manager who frequently tweets responses to customers as well as competitors. In fact, recently Wendy’s released a mixtape aimed at McDonald’s. Now while you may not agree with making a drastic move from flipping burgers to dropping a hip-hop verse, here’s the reality, people buy into people—which is an innovative brand strategy.

Content is one of the fastest ways to reach a larger audience and humanize your brand

. Thankfully, there are a million different apps out there to help you get started.

3 Innovative Branding Techniques


A chatbot is an interactive computer program that replicates a human conversation. Typically you experience contact with a chatbot on websites and social media channels like Facebook. You can automate a typical customer service process or a product search feature on your website and design dialogue (in audio or text) so that you’re available to your audience 24/7.


Over the last two to three years, numerous studies report video marketing is one of the best ways to engage your audience. Thankfully, long gone are the days you need to hire a videographer to film and edit your videos. With Instagram stories, Riple, and Lumen5, you can easily create short videos of your brand behind the scenes.


Applications like Anchor, make it incredibly easy to create valuable short pieces of content which you can distribute on Spotify, Apple, and Google Play music. With its ability to form an emotional connection, podcasting is a great component to add to your marketing mix. In fact, Midroll, a leading advertising network, conducted a survey and found that of 300,000 podcast listeners, 63% had gone on to purchase something. 

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