2011 B.E. Small Business Award Winners – Black Enterprise

2011 B.E. Small Business Award Winners


2011 Small Business Award Winners

Launching a small business is a huge undertaking. While short on resources yet long on stresses, costs, and challenges, it takes a certain type of person to develop the right recipe to run an upstart successfully. But pour in a cup of passion; a hearty helping of dexterity; and a few tablespoons of planning, organization and vision and you have our 2011 Small Business Awards winners. (Meet the 12 Award Nominees)

Announced earlier today at the Small Business Awards Luncheon during the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo hosted by Nationwide in Atlanta, the awards recognize those companies exceeding expectations and seizing opportunity to maximize both bottomline and reach.

Along with these honors, The Community Champion Award is also presented during the luncheon. Given to activists and entrepreneurs dedicated to giving back and supporting the underserved, Black Enterprise presented this year’s award to Frank and Tanya Rodriguez, co-Founders of the Frank Ski Kids Foundation. The Atlanta-based organization uses activities and abroad trips to stretch young people beyond their options and surroundings. For more on the Rodriguezes’ efforts, read their story here.

From teens to tech and from next to now, here are Black Enterprise‘s 2011 Small Business Award winners. Take a look, then offer your congratulations to these outstanding small businesses in the comments box below.
