20 Young African Power Women of 2014 – Page 4 – Black Enterprise

20 Young African Power Women of 2014

She Leads Africa founders Yasmin Belo-Osagie and Afua Osei (Image: Facebook)
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Rimini Makama, Nigeria, Director, Africa Practice

Rimini Makama is 34 and the Communications Director at Africa Practice—the continent’s foremost strategy and communications consultancy. Makama is responsible for introducing some of “the largest international institutions on the continent and beyond into the Nigerian market, simultaneously helping to strategically positioning [sic] them as key players in their industry and encouraging foreign investment in the country.” Her client list has included BlackBerry, Bloomberg and Western Union, just to name a few. Makama has a B.L. from the Nigerian Law School and an LLM in International Law and World Order.
