Coffee Choice May Predict Election

With 22 days until Election Day, voters are looking at poll results to keep track of who is likely to occupy the White House come Jan. 20, 2009.

There’s the well-respected Gallup Poll, which in its latest daily tracking poll has, Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. John McCain, 50% to 43%, among registered voters. “Obama’s lead has narrowed slightly after being in double-digits several days last week. Two Gallup likely voter estimates show the race slightly closer,” the organization says.

The latest results from Zogby has Obama leading McCain 48% to 44%, a statistical dead heat.

And then there’s the 7-Eleven cup poll. Dubbed “Hail to the Beans” by the convenience store chain,coffee drinkers can weigh in on the election by choosing either a blue cup for Obama or a red cup for McCain for their beverage. Plain coffee cups are also available.

The vote is tallied at the register, via the cup’s bar code, writes Newsday; 7-Election updates its Web site every morning with the results. The vote isn’t quite nationwide: The company has convenience stores in 30 states and the District of Columbia, spokeswoman Margaret Chabris said.

This is the third national election in which 7-Eleven has held its coffee cup vote. For the 2000 election, 7-Election, the 7-Eleven Website said the George W. Bush coffee cup outsold Al Gore’s by one percentage point. And in 2004, the site’s results predicted a Bush victory over challenger John Kerry.

So far, according to this morning’s tally, Obama is leading 59.32% to 40.68%.

Deborah Creighton Skinner is the editorial director for BlackEnterprise.com.

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