12 Most Expensive Super Bowl Commercials of the 21st Century – Black Enterprise

12 Most Expensive Super Bowl Commercials of the 21st Century

In 1992, the average cost per 30 seconds for a Super Bowl ad was $850,000, and now that number has more than quadrupled. With an average increase of $100,000 per year, the NFL has stated that 2012’s average cost per 30 seconds of airtime for America’s largest annual sporting event is $3.5 million.
As Chrysler took the title of the most expensive Super Bowl commercial to air in the history of the event last year with its two-minute spot, audiences everywhere are left to wonder if any brand will ever supersede the car company’s “Imported From Detroit” ad. While some brands have been said to spend $4 million for a half-minute spot this year, only time will tell.
As the New York Giants win of Super Bowl XLVI concluded just hours ago, and fans going crazy over a new crop of memorable spots from Doritos, Chevy, and Pepsi commercials, BlackEnterprise.com takes a look at the most expensive ads to air over the past decade during February’s main event. —Amber McKynzie
