12 Books That Make Perfect Holiday Gifts

Squeeze The Most Out of Your Money: A No-Nonsense Money Management System to Maximize Your Dollars and Minimize Your Stress by Patricia Stallworth This is a perfect gift for those determined to get their money right in 2012 after spending the past year dealing with the after-shocks of the Great Recession. Squeeze (iWorth Publishing) is not just a book of principles; it’s an actual system of budgeting and managing your money to achieve your goals. more
How To Speak Money: The Language and Knowledge You Need to Know by Ali Velshi and Christine Romans Co-written by two of CNN’s top financial journalists and anchors, How To Speak Money (Wiley) is a fun, easy to digest and enlightening book to help boost your financial literacy and better understand your relationship with money. This is a good choice for young couples that need to get on the same page when it comes to money. Of course, they need to read it—and talk about it—together. Otherwise, what’s the point of learning a new language? more
Click: Ten Truths for Building Extraordinary Relationships by George C. Fraser The most recent book by master networker Fraser, Click (McGraw Hill) is a must have title for early-to-mid career professionals, as well as first-time entrepreneurs. Hey, Fraser’s right: Teamwork makes the dream work. more
Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority by Tom Burrell Written by BE 100s advertising industry icon Burrell, Brainwashed (SmileyBooks) should be read by every African American—scratch that—every American. That said, it’s a great gift for the high school senior who will be leaving for college in 2012, anybody interested in the influence of media and advertising, as well as the family conspiracy theorist. more
Produced by Faith: Enjoy Real Success Without Losing Your True Self by Devon Franklin Written by devout Christian and Hollywood film executive Franklin, who provides an insightful and practical guide (Howard Books) to balancing career ambition against personal faith. Another great gift for a young person heading off to college, launching careers or otherwise facing the crucible of new adulthood and wants to succeed without betraying their beliefs. more
A Course of Their Own: A History of African American Golfers by John H. Kennedy Are there golfers in the house? They’ll appreciate knowing that there is more to Black history in this sport than Tiger Woods. (Bison Books) more
Heroines of African American Golf: The Past, the Present and the Future by M. Mikell Johnson By the way, the golfers on your gift list should also know that the ladies, including tennis legend Althea Gibson, have a legacy on the links, too. (iUniverse) more
The Style Checklist: The Ultimate Wardrobe Essentials for You by Lloyd Boston Get this one for the women in your life ready to step it up on the style front in 2012, whether getting back into the job market, gunning for that promotion or rocking the CEO title as an entrepreneur. Best of all, Boston’s book (Atria Books) will help them to start with what’s already in their closets. Smart. more
Thank God I’m Natural, The Ultimate Guide to Caring for and Maintaining Natural Hair by Chris Tia-Donaldson Whether born-and-raised with chemical-free tresses or just ending a life-long relationship with hot combs, relaxers and weaves, anyone on your list with natural hair will appreciate this book (TgiNesis Press) dedicated to the health and beauty of natural hair, and more importantly, the self-esteem of the women who make this choice. more
My Song: A Memoir by Harry Belafonte and Michael Shnayerson, Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones by Quincy Jones Simply put, Jones and Belafonte are American treasures. Anybody on your gift list who cares about their own cultural literacy—not just Black culture, but American—will be thrilled to receive any or all of these as holiday gifts. more
Hip Hop: A Cultural Odyssey, edited by Jordan Sommers This 400-plus page tome (Aria Multimedia Entertainment) may be all the hip-hop lore, legends and love you can get in one book, covering the history of the culture from it’s very beginnings with mind-blowing images and plenty of science dropped by the DJs and MCs themselves. If your significant other loves hip-hop, this is what to get them. At $299.99, this is too rich a gift for anyone who’s just a casual fan—or who is not your boo. Hip-hop fans will also appreciate the new coffee table book, Hip Hop, A Cultural Odyssey. To purchase your copy of Hip Hop, A Cultural Odyssey click here and every 10 books sold will result in a copy being donated to a HBCU library. more
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