4/11: 11 People You Should Follow on Twitter Now!

In the span of just five short years Twitter has not only changed the way people communicate, but also how we do business. From aspiring entrepreneurs and major corporations to celebrities and everyday people, everyone seems to be tweeting and RTing. While some view the social media portal as just another technological distraction, others are using it to make contacts, forge relationships and gain access to information that otherwise would have been unattainable through normal channels. Still, with a reported 145 million registered users (including @BlackEnterprise and our staff of thought leaders) it can be a chore to sift through the Twitter chatter to find the right people to connect with. Well, BlackEnterprise.com has the 4/11 on 11 key people you should follow on Twitter if you’re serious about business. RT that!

In the span of just five short years Twitter has not only changed the way people communicate, but also how we do business. From aspiring entrepreneurs and major corporations to celebrities and everyday people, everyone seems to be tweeting and RTing. While some view the social media portal as just another technological distraction, others are using it to make contacts, forge relationships and gain access to information that otherwise would have been unattainable through normal channels. Still, with a reported 145 million registered users (including @BlackEnterprise and our staff of thought leaders) it can be a chore to sift through the Twitter chatter to find the right people to connect with. Well, BlackEnterprise.com has the 4/11 on 11 key people you should follow on Twitter if you’re serious about business. RT that!more
Jeff Braithwaite (@jbrath) In addition to being the CEO of The Next LEVEL, Inc., JB is a Internet strategist, speaker and trainer with over six years experience in the online sector. Specializing in small businesses and entrepreneurs, he consistently provides pertinent links and resources about biz tech. more
Richelle Shaw (@richelleshaw) As one of the only African American public utility owners in the nation, Shaw created a million dollars—twice! If that’s not enough reason to follow the business maverick and author, her “tip of the day” tweets are an added incentive. more
Maisha Walker (@maishawalker) Given the many hats Walker wears—which includes being the Internet strategist at Inc. magazine, President at the Black Ivy Alumni League and President/Founder of Message Medium—her expertise in economics is bar none. Follow her for her useful industry-related links. more
Lynette Khalfani (@themoneycoach) Seen on Oprah, Dr. Phil, Tyra, CNN, NBC and ABC News, Khalfani is a personal finance expert known as “the money coach.” With her ear to the pulse of what’s going on in the market, she provides solid business tips as they relate to current events. more
Brent Leary (@BrentLeary) While his Twitter bio describes him as “a guy trying to make sense of it all,” Leary does much more than try as he posts events and useful links, all with a bit of humor. He’s highly engaged with his followers, answering most queries and providing additional info. more
Lincoln Steffens (@LincolnSteffens) Steffens is a “man of leisure,” and by that we mean one whose social position allows him to pursue pleasurable social, cultural and athletic hobbies or pastimes, rather than employment. If you can’t tell by now, Steffens is a hilarious BE influencer that started his career as an Advertising Account Management Executive before transitioning to activist and entrepreneur. more
Darren Scott Monroe (@darrenmonroe) If you’re an online entrepreneur then Monroe is a valuable resource. Delivering lots of valuable small business info in 140 characters or less, he also provides updates on contests and discounted services. Besides, who wouldn’t want to follow the man who claims to have started #twitterhug? more
Hajj Flemings (@HajjFlemings) Flemings is a true social media guru. I addition to founding Brand Camp University, a company that focuses building personal brands through on entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial thinking, he’s also the Michigan Tech MBA Online Program Ambassador and frequent guest speaker on the topic of personal brand strategies. Flemings makes for a great virtual mentor. more
A. Michelle Blakeley (@simplicityinc) If you’re looking for a constant stream of informative and useful tweets to help grow your business then Blakeley is the woman for you. Named one of Forbes’ 30 Women Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter, she proves daily how she earned that distinction. more
Ramon Ray (@ramonray) As the brains behind Small Biz Technology, a media company that helps small businesses strategically use technology as a tool to grow, Ray is literally plugged in. Following this business systems expert and technology evangelist you will be too. more
Marshawn Evans (@marshawnevans) In addition to authoring SKIRTS in the Boardroom: A Woman’s Survival Guide in Business & Life, Evans is a reinvention strategist, attorney and media personality, as well as owner of Me Unlimited and founder of MeUniversityLive.com. Still, she finds time to tweet inspirational messages of spirituality, empowerment and good business practices. more
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