4/11: Green Machines – 11 Eco-Friendly Cars for 2011 – Black Enterprise

4/11: Green Machines – 11 Eco-Friendly Cars for 2011

With 2010 logged into the history books, it’s time to look forward to the future and the people, places and things that will shape our world over the course of the next 12 months. Over the course of this week, Blackenterprise.com will be giving you the 4/11 on some of the big innovations, developments and trends on the horizon for 2011. Today, which happens to be 1/4/11, we start off in the world of automotives. While there was a time when going green meant sticking out like a green thumb in the car industry, more and more manufacturers seem to have finally made the turn to eco-friendly. This year, consumers have more options than ever to do their part for Mother Earth in style. Checkout our 11 mean green machines. —Will Gock
