10 Ways to Find College Scholarships – Black Enterprise

10 Ways to Find College Scholarships

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graduation cap atop a pile of moneyEach November, the National Scholarship Providers Association sponsors National Scholarship Month–a month-long campaign intended to raise awareness about the need for more scholarships to help families cover the ever-rising costs of college. November is a great time to start applying for scholarships, since many have December deadlines. And if you need extra motivation to get started, the College Board just released an updated Trends in College Pricing report, which shows the costs of tuition, fees, and room and board are rising at a faster rate than in recent years. In fact, students attending a four-year public in-state university this year paid 3.3% more on average than they did last year, bringing total costs up to $19,548. If that pace continues, parents are looking at total four-year costs of $82,000.

[Related: Apple Awards 30 HBCU Students Scholarships in $40 Million Diversity Effort]

And remember, scholarships aren’t just for football players and academic geniuses. There are thousands available–for all types of students.

So if you’re a parent or student looking to fill your college savings gap without having to borrow, here are 10 places you can look to find scholarships:

1. Your high school
Some high school guidance counselors have insight on scholarships offered by their school, as well as award opportunities in the local community. Your counselor should be able to work with you to find appropriate scholarship matches based on your GPA and extracurricular activities.

2. Your college
If you know which college you’ll be attending, be sure to check the schools website and other materials for information on award opportunities. Some schools allow students to submit their name for scholarships right on their financial aid form. And before your next campus visit, be sure to schedule an appointment with someone from your school’s scholarship office. Here you’ll be able to find out about forms, deadlines, and what to do if you receive an award.

Read more at SavingforCollege.com.
