Love & Money: 10 Ways Economics Can Improve Your Marriage – Black Enterprise

Love & Money: 10 Ways Economics Can Improve Your Marriage

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You’re probably wondering: what does the hard, analytical world of economics have to do with the passionate merger commonly known as marriage? Well, according to The Wall Street Journal editor Paula Szuchman and New York Times reporter Jenny Anderson, a whole lot. In fact, both are convinced married couples can improve their relationship and quell any dispute by following the rules of economics, as detailed in their latest book, Spousonomics: Using Economics to Master Love, Marriage and Dirty Dishes. “Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources and there is nothing, sort of, more prominent in marriages today than tension over how to allocate our time, energy, love and libido,” says Anderson. “Those are the issues couples fight about.” Here are 10 easy-to-follow business pointers on strengthening your marriage as soon as you say, ‘I do.’
