10 Top Personal Finance Books by Black Authors – Black Enterprise

10 Top Personal Finance Books by Black Authors

black women authors
(Image: iStock/BraunS)

If you are on an economic empowerment journey to financial freedom and love a good read, there are thousands of personal finance books that provide useful strategies. However, it is important to read books written by experts who understand our uniqueness and challenges as African Americans. In the midst of the well-known personal finance books, here are the top 10 personal finance books by black authors you should add to your reading list and library.

10 Top Personal Finance Books by Black Authors

“The 21-Day Financial Fast” by Michelle Singletary

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Fasting is good for the soul and body, but who knew it was also good for financial health as well. Michelle Singletary, award-winning columnist for The Washington Post, gives a tested financial challenge in her book “The 21-Day Financial Fast.”

For twenty-one days, readers eliminate excessive spending habits, stop using credit cards, and only buy the bare necessities. Singletary gives guidance for the three-week challenge, as well as practical ways to achieve financial freedom, financial peace, and prosperity.

Regardless of your income level, this book is a great tool to help you make better financial choices.

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“Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating” by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

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Having poor or no credit will inhibit the ability to obtain loans and credit cards or make interest on credit extremely high if approved. If you need or are ready to improve your credit, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox teaches simple steps to take in her book “Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating 2nd Edition.”

“Around 220 million Americans have their credit information maintained and shared through three major credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.” states Khalfani-Cox. So what information is being reported about you, and how does it affect you financially?

Khalfani-Cox provides an easy-to-follow blueprint on how to get excellent credit, as well as how to sidestep many credit traps and pitfalls along the way.

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“Live Richer Challenge: Learn how to budget, save, get out of debt, improve your credit and invest in 36 days” by Tiffany Aliche – The Budgetnista

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Are you ready to live richer, but your finances are a mess? Tiffany Aliche, known as The Budgetnista, teaches how to make the shift from messy money to financial freedom in her book “Live Richer Challenge: Learn how to budget, save, get out of debt, improve your credit and invest in 36 days.”

Through simple daily financial tasks, readers learn about money mindsets, budgeting, saving, debt versus credit, insurance, and investing.

Even if you don’t have a budget, a savings account, or investments, Aliche’s five-week challenge is ideal for beginners who want to achieve financial success.

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“The Money Manual: A Practical Money Guide to Help You Succeed on Your Financial Journey” by Tonya Rapley – My Fab Finance

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Who said you needed degrees or certifications to master money management? Tonya Rapley, known as My Fab Finance, proves that all we need is the right information to empower us to take action in her book “The Money Manual: A Practical Money Guide to Help You Succeed on Your Financial Journey.”

Many people feel anxious and overwhelmed when thinking about money management. Rapley addresses these emotional challenges and gives the readers the skills and knowledge they need to improve their financial situation within six months.

If you are looking for the best way to tackle financial basics such as budgeting, saving, improving or building credit, and eliminating debt, this book will help you move from financially insecure to secure.

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“Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man” by Patrice C. Washington – Money Maven

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Whether you are single or married, if you are ready to get out of debt, rebuild your credit, and fulfill your financial dreams, Patrice C. Washington, known as the Money Maven, gives practical strategies in her book “Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man.”

Women face unique challenges when it comes to finances not just because of poor spending habits, but because women make less than men, contribute more to care-giving of children and aging parents, live longer, and most live in a single income household because they choose to stay single.

Washington uses a Q & A format to provide relatable and easy to understand and implement advice from everything from managing credit cards, home ownership, student loans, affordable childcare, and even negotiating a higher salary.

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“#MoneyChat THE BOOK: How to Get Out of Debt, Successfully Manage Your Money and Create Financial Security” by Dorethia Conner-Kelly

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Have you ever read a financial book and nothing changed in your financial life? That is because the application of principles learned is essential for success. Financial coach Dorethia Conner-Kelly’s provides how-to strategies to fill the gap between the financial information and application in her book “#MoneyChat THE BOOK: How to Get Out of Debt, Successfully Manage Your Money and Create Financial Security.”

Conner-Kelly shares simple strategies with a sense of humor to explain complex financial concepts in easy to understand language.

If you are wondering about the best place to put your savings, how to come up to extra money when you need it without going to a payday lender, or how to save towards college in under ten years, this book is the missing link to help you change your #MoneyChat.

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“The Frugal Feminista: Unmasking The Strong Black Woman” by Kara Stevens

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Feeling the pain of the superwoman syndrome? Sometimes, it is best to take off the cape, put your oxygen mask on first, and practice self-care. Kara Stevens, known as “The Frugal Feminista,” shares the importance of self-care to improve your finances in her self-titled book “The Frugal Feminista: Unmasking The Strong Black Woman.”

Many women are exhausted from being the woman everyone expects them to be, and it is negatively affecting their finances. Stevens shares secrets of financial and emotional self-care that every woman needs to live in her greatness.

If you are sick and tired of playing small and ready to claim a deliciously prosperous life you deserve, this book gives down-to-earth money and life advice.

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“4 Financial Languages: The Secrets to Communicating About Money” by Tarra Jackson – Madam Money

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Are you sick and tired of arguing about money with your partner? There is a logical reason why savers and spenders argue about money, and it is not what you think. I explain this as well as the solution in my latest book, “4 Financial Languages: The Secrets to Communicating About Money.”

Financial fights are the leading cause of divorce. The reason most money misunderstandings occur with couples is that they are speaking in different financial languages. I use relatable stories and conversation examples to teach the four dominant financial languages: Saving, Spending, Investing, and Giving. I also teach how to communicate in the different financial language for a fun, sexier, and healthier financial relationship with your partner.

If you never want to argue about money again, this book will teach you how to go from having budget battles to enjoying fun cash conversations about your financial dreams together.

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“The Wake Up Call: Financial Inspiration Learned from 4:44” by Ash Exantus – Ash Cash

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Jay-Z’s 4:44 imparted several financial lessons that were undeniable. Ash Exantus, known as Ash Cash, brilliantly extracts these financial lessons in his book “The Wake Up Call: Financial Inspiration Learned from 4:44 + A Step by Step Guide on How to Implement Each Financial Principle.”

Exantus teaches African Americans how to manage money more effectively and how to build generational wealth. Cooperative economics and how to start a business, creating multiple streams of income, and how to pass down wealth to the next generation are just a few lessons taught.

If you love hip hop and are ready to move the next level with your money, this book will help you decipher all of the financial concepts you need to build generational wealth.

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“The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires” by Dennis Kimbro

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The Black community has faced and is still facing difficult financial times. “The weight of the continuing housing and credit crisis disproportionately impacts the African-American community.” explains Dr. Dennis Kimbro. To help break this cash crisis cycle, Dr. Kimbro shares the secrets of the financial success of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans in his book “The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires.”

Kimbro uses these inspiring stories of men and women at every stage of life and in every industry to introduce the strategies that millionaires practice.

If you are ready to invest in your personal development growth to achieve your financial goals, this book will teach you what it takes.

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[RELATED: ‘Your Money, Your Life’ podcast with Alfred Edmond, Jr.

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