10 Reasons Humor Will Lead to Success – Black Enterprise

10 Reasons Humor Will Lead to Success


What does success mean to you? What would you say were the keys to success? Everyone who would like to achieve success in life has asked themselves this question. For each person there is probably a different answer. There isn’t one definition of success but there are similar factors that help achieve it. Jacquelyn Smith of Forbes explains how humor is one of the keys to success within the workplace. Here are a few of the reasons she gives to incorporate it into your day.

People will enjoy working work with you. “People want to work with people they like,” Vanderkam says. “Why wouldn’t you? You spend huge chunks of your waking hours at work, so you don’t want it to be a death march. Humor—deftly employed—is a great way to win friends and influence people. You need to be funny, but not snarky (that’s not good for team building) and you can’t offend anyone.”

Humor is a potent stress buster. “In fact, it’s a triple whammy,” Kerr explains. “Humor offers a cognitive shift in how you view your stressors; an emotional response; and a physical response that relaxes you when you laugh.”

It is humanizing. “Humor allows both employees and managers to come together, realizing that we all seek common ground,” Taylor says.

Read more at Forbes


