Social Media: The New Currency – Black Enterprise

Social Media: The New Currency

Perry: "If we don't master social media now, we'll be left behind."

Social media is the new economy and game changer for getting your message out in cyberspace and beyond. If you have fresh ideas and the desire to try something new–get ready to grow your brand and be discovered.

You can amplify your message and grow your brand instantly by using popular networking tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Ning, YouTube, and Animoto to name a few.

With social media you don’t have to wait for a client or the media to discover your talent, service or goods–you can create platforms by engaging your friends, family and acquaintances by providing exceptional and creative content and messages via website, blog, Internet radio, and promotional videos all for an opportunity cost of free or close to nothing.

African American women are using social media to influence brand loyalty and to increase popularity, however, many are not using social media to increase bottom-line as it relates to business.

According to Pam Perry, head of Ministry Marketing Solutions,  “African American women think social media is a fad and for young kids, and don’t realize people are making money with social media. Social media is a marketing tool and the quickest way to network and increase exposure for a brand. For social media to work you must target people that know and trust you.”

As women we must understand that social media is the new currency, it’s growing at an exponential rate, and if we don’t master it now, we will be left behind. Men are using social media to create business opportunities and make money. Perry passionately asserts, “The difference, as it relates to gender, is that men are focused, deliver a clear and concise message, and are not afraid to make the ‘ask’ to close the deal. Women–more often than not–use social media as a popularity contest, send out random thoughts, and are afraid to promote their brand and make the ‘ask.’ ”

Perry says, “People need to create the three F’s to actively participate in social media:”

Followers: People who like and trust you;

Friends: People who will share your content, post comments, and rely on your message;

Fans: People who will bookmark your blog or Website and will likely need giveaways and incentives to keep coming back.

The Internet is the greatest equalizer for women and other entrepreneurs to participate actively in birthing a new idea, engaging clients and increasing brand awareness, with a minimal investment cost. Let’s change the perception of how black women do business by becoming savvier as it relates to social media.

Six Social Media Steps to Build and Promote Your Brand

1. Create a unique message about your brand/company and share via social media platforms–Facebook, Twitter, Ning, LinkedIn, and YouTube. As an example, here’s the video I created for my book.
