This Org Is Challenging 2020 Candidates to Spend 12% of Their Campaign Contributions with Black-Owned Businesses – Black Enterprise
News Politics

This Org Is Challenging 2020 Candidates to Spend 12% of Their Campaign Contributions with Black-Owned Businesses

Kamala Harris
Sen. Kamala Harris at the 2019 Women of Power Summit (Black Enterprise)

The black vote is critical to politicians looking to enter office in 2020 on both the local and national levels. As politicians hit campaign trails to let their values be known and win over voters, one organization wants to make sure that they are also invested in black businesses.

The Minority Communities for Political Accountability Coalition (McPAC), a nonpartisan organization, is challenging 2020 political candidates to spend a percentage of their campaign contributions with black-owned businesses. The coalition’s panel is made up of black experts across the country specializing in wealth creation, prison reform, educational equity, and more. As an ode to the 12% of black people living in the United States, McPAC is asking candidates to spend 12% or more with black businesses.

black-owned businesses
(Image: McPAC’s Facebook page)

The San Francisco Bay View originally reported that McPAC will track, monitor, and display candidates’ pledges online as a part of their initiative.

In an interview with the publication, Dr. Rik Stevenson, author and founding panelist for McPAC, said, “Candidates don’t have to wait until they get elected into office and pass legislation in order to help empower black lives and black communities. Candidates can start now, simply by utilizing the services of black-owned businesses when purchasing goods and services with their campaign funds. It’s a very tangible place to start.”

At this time, no politicians have accepted the challenge. The group has an active petition on their site for visitors to sign in support of the charge and to urge those on the campaign trail to give.

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The McPAC website currently displays how candidate pledges will look once pledges have been made. Black business owners who are interested in being beneficiaries of the initiative can join McPAC’s online registry. And those who want to follow and support the coalition can also create an account online.

The coalition hopes to garner the support and participation of both political candidates and black-owned businesses.


