Moschino and Sephora Will Likely Make Millions Off This Black Woman’s Beauty Brand – Black Enterprise

Moschino and Sephora Will Likely Make Millions Off This Black Woman’s Beauty Brand

Moschino Sephora
Moschino and Sephora Collection (Image: Screenshot)

I love the saying “ghetto until proven fashionable.” I’m not sure who coined the phrase, but it’s realized time and time again within the fashion and beauty industry. The latest example is Moschino and Sephora’s new makeup collection which is a direct snub to Raynell “Supa Cent” Steward’s beauty brand, The Crayon Case.

The not-so-creative collection of nail polish, sponges, eye shadows, brushes, lip glosses, and other cosmetics are designed to look like office supplies, similar to The Crayon Case’s school supplies-themed makeup. Yes, imitation is the highest form of flattery, but Moschino and Sephora are dead wrong in this case.


Fashion designer Jeremy Scott, who designed the new cosmetic collection, announced on Instagram that the line is set for release on April 25 via Sephora’s website.


Last year, Steward exceeded her own expectations of selling a million dollars worth of products in 90 minutes on Black Friday. Ever since, she has added new and creative items to her line. Steward’s success has also positioned her to purchase a warehouse to manufacture her products.

The Crayon Case Supa Cent
The Crayon Case (Image: Facebook)

Prior to Steward’s company being in the black, she worked smart to build her brand and employed people in her community. She learned what it took to build a business without a fancy degree, business coach, or a large investment. That’s the reason why so many people root for her and love her brand. Even those who have never dabbled in The Crayon Case (myself included) appreciate her grit and authenticity—along with being able to follow her journey as a millennial business owner, mompreneur, and our favorite girl from around-the-way based in New Orleans.

Can you imagine how much Sephora would have profited, if they decided to do business with Steward? Need I remind you of how much spending power black women have? Nevertheless, this is yet another reminder of how much we must continue to support black business and circulate our dollar within the community.

Major brands and corporations need to give black women credit where it’s due; not just space on their shelves.



 The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect that of Black Enterprise.
