6 Apps to Upgrade Your Networking Skills – Black Enterprise

6 Apps to Upgrade Your Networking Skills

(Image: Thinkstock)
(Image: Thinkstock)

We all know how important networking is, but in today’s digital world, why not make it that much easier by using tech tools.  How many times have you forgotten names and faces or even what business card belongs to whom? And any global leader constantly on the go knows the value of having that extra tech edge to keep in contact with professionals and host meetings remotely.

Brazen Careerist details apps that will help you step your networking game up:

Speek: Do you find yourself constantly fumbling for a phone number and PIN, only to join a conference call at the most awkward moment? Try Speek. The super-simple and free conference call platform lets users choose a unique and personal link (i.e., speek.com/rebecca) rather than a traditional phone number and PIN to connect conference calls.

Once you’re on the call, Speek provides a visual experience that lets you see who’s joined the call, see who’s talking, share files and mute participants. Plus, it’s integrated with your social media accounts, so you can connect with callers on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Contactually: Relationships are the basis of any good career, and Contactually helps you manage timely interactions with your most important relationships. Follow up with potential clients, keep warm leads from getting cold and remember to email that mentor who will find you your next job.

Particularly good for sales professionals, freelancers and true go-getters, this system automates your contact management (i.e., the crucial networking you have to do to be successful). Every day, you get a list of people you need to reach out to, and you can track all your progress and communication patterns in your personalized dashboard.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …
